var pwd = process.cwd(); var helper = require('../integration_test_helper.js'); module.exports = { 'Right-click on multiple DOM elements': function (test) { test .open('file://' + pwd + '/test/integration/html/on-dom-element.html') .execute(helper.rightClick, '#the-node li:first-child') .waitForElement('#context-menu-layer') .assert.exists('.context-menu-root', 'It opens context menu') .assert.numberOfElements('.context-menu-root li') .is(7, '7 context menu items are shown') .assert.numberOfElements('.context-menu-active') .is(1, 'ensure one context menu is open') // right click on the other DOM element .execute(helper.rightClick, '#the-node li:nth-child(3)') .wait(100) // wait for the old menu to close and new to reopen .waitForElement('#context-menu-layer') .assert.exists('.context-menu-root', 'It re-opens the same context menu') .assert.numberOfElements('.context-menu-active') .is(1, 'ensure still only one context menu is open') .done(); } };